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Singapore Terrorism Threat Assessment Report 2024

Published by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the Singapore Terrorism Threat Assessment Report is a comprehensive and visually engaging document that provides key insights into the latest developments and case studies of terrorism occurring in Singapore, the region and the world.

Gosh designed the report with a keen focus on clarity and visual appeal, to enhance the readability of the report while ensuring that the content remains accessible and engaging for readers.

  • Drawing on MHA's brand colours, skillfully combining bright line green tones with more muted greys to create a fresh and attractive aesthetic

  • Developing infographics and isometric illustrations to effectively convey complex or heavy information

Check out a sneak peek of our design below, or read the full report here.

We also designed a video and shorter, bite-sized infographics for Facebook posts, to help MHA share key facts from the report and get link clicks to the full report.


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