In 2019, we took on the massive and exciting project that is NDP2019. It has four key thrusts:
Our Singapore - Main Campaign
Show Creatives
National Day Celebrations @ Heartlands Campaign
Souvenir & Commemorative Magazines
Part 1: The Main Campaign
Our Singapore, Our Stories
The theme for NDP2019 is "Our Singapore". It emphasises the collective ownership of our nation and identity by each and every Singaporean.
Act Four of the National Day Parade drives home this very message. It features the stories of four Show Protagonists - ordinary Singaporeans with extraordinary stories of Courage, Resilience, Compassion and Inspiration.
We introduced them to Singapore through a series of out-of-home advertising, inviting fellow Singaporeans to find out more about their stories – at the Parade and via @NDPeeps social media channels.
Everyday Singaporeans are at the heart of our national identity.
Our Dreams
"We have a vision for tomorrow"
Singapore began with dreams from yesteryear. Past generations have laid a strong foundation, and just as Singaporeans today are living out the dreams our pioneers have realised, we are today the pioneers for our future generations.
This next set of ads shows how previous generations have paved the way for Singaporeans today. Now they are passing the baton on, underscoring how we all have a part to play as pioneers of our future.
One generation passes its mantle on to the next, keeping our passions, culture and traditions alive for generations to come.
3 Concept Trains spread the celebratory mood throughout Our Singapore.
In-train panels and window stickers on the North-South Line concept train.
In-train window stickers on the Downtown Line concept train.
Other OOH applications include digital billboards, bus shelter ads and wallscapes.
Part 2: NDP Show Creatives
Signage and show tickets. Padang
Signage and show tickets
Hanging banners for the seating gallery
Wrap-around hoarding spanned the full length of the seating gallery
Close-up view of the hoarding, which features the Singapore River (to coincide with Act 4, titled 'Our River')
Pillar air streamers along the walkway from National Gallery to The Padang
Mobile Column infographic showcasing the 171 vehicles that appear in the NDP2019 drive-past.
Part 3: Magazines
We wrapped up the campaign and celebrations with Souvenir and Commemorative Magazines - the former for everyone who attended NDP2019, and the latter for all those who helped make it a resounding success.
Distributed to the audience, the Souvenir Magazine details the various acts of NDP2019.
A testimonial from a satisfied client.
Part 4: Celebrations @ Heartlands
Singaporeans could look forward to Mobile Columns parading through their own neighbourhoods!
National Day 2019 celebrations extended well beyond the Padang and our television/mobile screens. For the first time ever, five mobile columns were deployed to heartlands throughout our little red dot, alongside celebratory carnivals and festive fireworks.
Our campaign included out-of-home and below-the-line advertising to raise awareness and invite Singaporeans to catch the Mobile Columns in their neighbourhoods and join in the islandwide celebrations.
Paya Lebar MRT Linkway Wall and Parapet Wall
Pillar wraps and hanging banners at various heartland transport hubs
Buses plied the island like moving billboards, with routes that corresponded with the mobile columns'.
Thanks for reading!